13 alasan kenapa kamu pake/pindah Firefox
Friday, December 09, 2005 0 comments1. You'll only see porn when you want to.
2. Your kids will only see porn when they want to.
Sorry, buddy... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
3. Your computer won't spend its free time telling the world about Viagra soft tabs.
4. Mozilla doesn't inflate prices and use the money to vaccinate children in Africa.
5. If we knew web designers would hurl themselves off it, we wouldn't have put the Golden Gate bridge so close to San Francisco.
6. Keep squinting and your eyes will get stuck like that, stupid
7. It will make Bill Gates soooooooooo mad.
8. Mozilla has never made a talking paperclip.
9. Ritalin is fun, but A.D.D. is not.
10. It's like switching from dating a 14-year-old to dating an 18-year-old.
11. Reduce your weekly family & friends tech support load to 8 hours.
12. More effective than throwing pies.
13. Because the Department of Justice Lacks Balls.
"hahahha so funny
lbh lengkapnya <<>>
gw sampe skrg tak pernah pake ie kecuali di kampus kalo ngga ada browser mozilla
emang kenyataan mozilla lebih bagus dan situs gw di Cefe.co.nr bahkan ada image yg ngga bisa kebuka kalo pake Ie [Really2x Su*k]
tapi Ie browser pertama yg aku gunakan sejak kenal dengan internet :)
so... thx to IE thx to Windows.. thx to bill
tanpanya tidak ada OS yg user friendly :p "
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